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wahegurunaamjahaj's profile - activity

2013-04-30 16:57:53 -0500 received badge  Teacher (source)
2013-04-30 16:57:53 -0500 received badge  Necromancer (source)
2013-04-30 06:31:59 -0500 answered a question Is Sikhism Dying?

Higher than baana is Bani...Value of baana will automatically diminish when understanding of Bani is low...There is no need to wear uniform if you are not in the school, studying...

You may keep Bana But you can't call yourself Sikhs if you don't struggle to understand Bani...

I shaved off my beard once & cut my hair...but when I really started understanding Guru's hukam...I could not shave anymore...just din't feel like...

Most of the Sikhs think just keeping beard & kesh makes them Sikh. This is a misconception...Bana is the uniform...Bani is the may learn the lesson without uniform...but forgetting bani is being naive & ignorant...Bani + Bani = student in full form & effect...

Those who just say I am Sikh just because I keep beard & kesh & was born in a Sikh family...are even more lost sometimes...they read Japji Sahib throughout life without even trying to understand what it means...which is ignorance at its height...

If one is so proud or concerned about his religion then he must understand it, follow it & set a good example(of deep understanding) for his fellow men...