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Please forgive me for finding your question quite odd. This is the stretchiest rationalization I've ever seen. Your hair is YOUR hair. It grows on your body. How would you "donate" hair? Even if a cancer patient looses their hair from chemotherapy, it grows back after the chemo. If that person chooses to wear a wig, there are many sources for wigs that don't involve your hair. Frankly the concept of cutting one's hair for a "noble cause" doesn't make sense to me. The only reason I've ever seen for a Sikh cutting their hair is because they want others to see them differently. I once had a young Singh argue with me that shaving off was "more efficient." The human power of rationalization is amazing.

Please forgive me for finding your question quite odd. This is the stretchiest rationalization I've ever seen. Your hair is YOUR hair. It grows on your body. How would you "donate" hair? Even if a cancer patient looses their hair from chemotherapy, it grows back after the chemo. If that person chooses to wear a wig, there are many sources for wigs that don't involve your hair. Frankly the concept of cutting one's hair for a "noble cause" doesn't make sense to me. The only reason I've ever seen for a Sikh cutting their hair is because they want others to see them differently. I once had a young Singh argue with me that shaving off was "more efficient." The human power of rationalization the ego to rationalize its decisions is amazing.

Please forgive me for finding your question quite odd. This is the stretchiest rationalization I've ever seen. Your hair is YOUR hair. It grows on your body. How would you "donate" hair? Even if a cancer patient looses their hair from chemotherapy, it their hair grows back after the chemo. If that person chooses to wear a wig, there are many sources for wigs that don't involve your hair. Frankly the concept of cutting one's hair for a "noble cause" doesn't make sense to me. The only reason I've ever seen for a Sikh cutting their hair is because they want others to see them differently. I once had a young Singh argue with me that shaving off was "more efficient." The human power of the ego to rationalize its decisions is amazing.