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How, exactly, are you meditating? What you describe is just what is supposed to happen when you meditate. Your mental state may have lot of subconscious garbage. Just meditate effectively every day and do not be bogged down or be afraid of everything you go through. Because it will be a lot. When meditation works it will bring out a lot of garbage. Don't fight your thoughts. Let them come and then let them go. All thoughts are just that... thoughts. Don't judge them as "good thoughts" or "bad thoughts." Meditation is like an oil filter. Do it, and the garbage gets cleaned automatically by the power of the Shabd. There can be one problem or one million problems but there is a one answer. 31 minutes every day, without a break. Just do it.

How, exactly, are you meditating? What you describe is just what is supposed to happen when you meditate. Your mental state may have lot of subconscious garbage. Just meditate effectively every day and do not be bogged down or be afraid of everything you go through. Because it will be a lot. When meditation works it will bring out a lot of garbage. Don't fight your thoughts. Let them come and then let them go. All thoughts are just that... thoughts. Don't judge them as "good thoughts" or "bad thoughts." Meditation is like an oil filter. Do it, and the garbage gets cleaned automatically by the power of the Shabd. There can be one problem or one million problems but there is a one answer. 31 minutes every day, without a break. Just do it.

Just read your reply to my question. You are doing great, but you are missing one thing: simran using your breath. Check out these two links. They may help you through this block.

What is Meditation?

How to Meditate