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There is NOTHING that is not God. It’s all ONE. You are God. There is no “He” or “She,” IT is you. As the Buddhists say, “Tat Tvam Asi” You are That.

Our soul is not our persona, nor is it our identity. Ek Ong Kaar” — God is One. But although the One is only One, there are two in the One: ONG, the un-manifested Being we call Nirgun or Purusha — the One in everyone and everything, unseen, eternal, indestructible, formless and all pervasive; and KAAR, the manifested (physical) universe of ether, air, earth, fire and water, the five tattvas set in motion by the three gunas (energies) sattva (creation), rajas (preservation), and tamas, (destruction.) The forms we see manifested throughout creation —from elephants to ants, from stars to atoms, this we call Sirgun or Prakriti — the myriad forms of creation.

The Tao Te Ching says: “All forms continuously arise from the One and fall back into the One” or, “All things come from God and all things go to God.”

If we imagine Paramatma as an immense, infinitely large ocean, then our Atma is a single drop of ocean water within our body, our physical container. What is the difference between the drop and the ocean? Is there a difference? Water is water.

Bhagat Kabir likens our body to a clay pot:

It's a heavy confusion. Veda, Koran, holiness, hell— who's man? who's woman? A clay pot shot with air and sperm. When the pot falls apart, what do you call it? Numskull! You've missed the point. It's all one skin and bone, one piss and shit, one blood, one meat. From one drop, a universe. Who's Brahmin? Who's Shudra? When the pot breaks the drop of water falls back into the ocean. Now where is that drop of water?