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2019-11-19 23:45:11 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2019-11-08 12:33:09 -0500 asked a question Supposing one of my terminally ill maternal uncle dies in the month of my wedding, should we postpone the marriage in respect like Hiindus?

I have a small query here on death and subsequent effects on social events. Supposing one of my terminally ill maternal uncle dies in the month of my wedding, should we postpone the marriage in respect like Hiindus and create inconvenience to all other people or consider death as one of the truths and carry on with routine affairs(in this case marriage)? Please elaborate with what gurmat has to say on it and what are prevailing practices.

2019-11-08 12:33:07 -0500 asked a question Death and Social Events

I have a small query here on death and subsequent effects on social events. Supposing one of my terminally ill maternal uncle dies in the month of my wedding, should we postpone the marriage in respect like Hiindus and create inconvenience to all other people or consider death as one of the truths and carry on with routine affairs(in this case marriage)? Please elaborate with what gurmat has to say on it and what are prevailing practices.