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How do to tell my parents I made a D in my class?

Ok. My first year of college was horrible. I flunked out and I didn't tell my parents until it was far too late to change anything. They chewed me out and threatened to make me pay for school on my own which I was going to do. I looked up loans and everything. At the last moment, my mom said I didn't need to do that and started supporting. I got through Associates without any big problems. I made a D in one of my classes. My parents chewed me out about it even though I really tried in the class. I retook the class and got a B. I got my Associates this May. I transferred to a highly competitive health program. I was doing very well in two out of the three classes. I was working my butt off in the class that was hard. I didn't tell my parents I was doing bad. I couldn't get over the fact that I am in the field that I wanted to be in and I was doing horrible in it. Not to mention, my professor wasn't helping either. I did everything I could do and then some to pass that class. I didn't go out a lot and I didn't go on family vacations just so I could finish homework and study. I studied hours on end as well. My parents saw that and knew that. I needed a 85 on the final but got a 77. I talked with my professor and she blew me off. She told me life is tests and that this is a rude awakening for me. I feel horrible because I failed myself. I know I did my best but that doesn't help. I don't know how to tell my parents because I feel like they may kick me out because I didn't tell them straight up what was going on with me. What should I do?