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What are requirements for Amrit as a female?

I'm Sikh and I'm interested in taking a break because I feel like there's something missing in my life I've always been quite spiritual but I need some commitment. I had some questions about taking Amrit and being a female Sikh do women who want to take Amrit have to wear a dastar (turban). I don't have any close friends or family who are female and wear a turban so I would have to learn myself. Secondly would I have to wear a kirpan? I'm not sure if everybody would understand what it is. If I take Amrit does this mean I have to stop eating eggs and fish? I'm currently a pescetarian so the only met I have is fish. If I become vegan canI still get all the vital nutrients and vitamins? I'm interested in taking that next step but I'm not sure I meet the full requirements and what the exact requirements are?

What are requirements for Amrit as a female?

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    I'm Sikh and I'm interested in taking a break amrit because I feel like there's something missing in my life life. I've always been quite spiritual but I need some type of commitment. I had some questions about taking Amrit and being a female Sikh do women who want to take Amrit have to wear a dastar (turban). I don't have any close friends or family who are female and wear a turban so I would have to learn myself. Secondly would I have to wear a kirpan? I'm not sure if everybody would understand what it is. If I take Amrit does this mean I have to stop eating eggs and fish? I'm currently a pescetarian so the only met I have is fish. If I become vegan canI still get all the vital nutrients and vitamins? I'm interested in taking that next step but I'm not sure I meet the full requirements and what the exact requirements are?