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Is finding yourself a one time thing?

asked 2016-01-05 04:18:22 -0500

strongKaur gravatar image

Life has a lot of ups and downs. I've had times in the past when i wasn't sure of who i was and i re-discovered myself including re-affirming my faith, my goals for myself, and just believing that i was on the right path. My question for you is, is finding yourself a one time thing? Like you are certain of who you are and it sticks with you forever and ever?

On one hand i think that you can probably re-discover who you are at any time in your life and decide that this is not what your values are and this is not who you want to be and decide to change your path.

On the other hand i feel like i keep going through this over and over in different ways. When real hardships come up i question my beliefs and i lose myself. And through that hardship i manage to find myself again, but maybe i had never really believed that strongly in the first place if my beliefs are shaken this many times?

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answered 2016-01-07 10:28:33 -0500

anon gravatar image

I usually wonder the same thing. But the answer is the same. Give your head to the guru and let your life unfold. Your values and beliefs should be your anchor something very solid. When you are a Manmukh you try to please others by trying to be original. giving your head means, that you have your anchor (your solid foundation) The rest is just you chilling sometimes not chilling at all o.o and letting your life unfold.

So who you are is that you are a child of god, you have a purpose to fulfill in your life. And giving your head to guru you can reach your destiny. There will be many changes but please keep this thing very constant and solid.

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Thanks your response has given me a lot to think about :)

strongKaur gravatar imagestrongKaur ( 2016-01-08 02:44:27 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2016-01-05 04:18:22 -0500

Seen: 336 times

Last updated: Jan 07 '16