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Curse, karma, or what is this?

asked 2014-10-31 11:50:27 -0500

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I urgently need to find an answer to a really difficult situation. I have all my life, from birth onwards, been suffering extreme misfortune. I am really talking extremes here, not a few things not working out or feeling a bit down. I am talking about absolute extremes. It's been going on since birth and I am now 41! There has never been a time in between where I could have recovered from the constant suffering, it's been one major tragedy after another - often overlapping. It's still ongoing and getting rapidly worse! I am realizing by now that this is way beyond normal and cannot be explained by "a bit of bad luck". Some people have suggested it's karma, but I am not a bad person and so cannot possibly have done anything so bad in a former life to account for such extremes. I wonder now if it is a curse - or what else could be going on here? I know that several people have cursed me, and interestingly enough everything they have cursed me to has actually happened - and far worse. I am not a negative person, on the contrary I have always been positive, so it is not as if I attract bad things because I expect them to happen. Apart from that, the things that keep happening to me are so bad that I couldn't possibly imagine or expect them before they happened. I am not depressed or anything, but I need an answer from a spiritual point of view as to what is going on here because this just cannot go on like this!

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2 answers

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answered 2014-10-31 16:15:24 -0500

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You say "I am not a bad person and so cannot possibly have done anything so bad in a former life to account for such extremes." but actually, you cannot know that. That may indeed be the case. To be protected from "curses" there is nothing better than a regular daily amrit vela sadhana during which you chant out loud. If you actually feel the energy of being cursed (you can clearly feel it in your stomach area) silently chant the following:

Aad Guray Nameh, Jugaad Guray Nameh, Sat Guray Nameh, Siri Guru Devay Nameh. Visualize Guru Nanak Dev Ji above your right shoulder as you chant Aad Guray Nameh. Visualize Guru Angad Dev Ji behind and above you as you chant , Jugaad Guray Nameh. Guru Amar Das Ji above your right shoulder as you chant Sat Guray Nameh. And then Guru Ram Das Ji in front of you and above you as you chant Siri Guru Devay Nameh. Feel that you are surrounded and protected by these four Guru Sahibian. Do not close your heart. Breathe deeply and project love even though you are being cooked. You can do it. It works.

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answered 2014-11-03 21:59:19 -0500

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"I have all my life, from birth onwards, been suffering extreme misfortune". Dear friend misfortune has been a part of Sikhs from day one, since the inception of Sikhism. Tenth master of the Sikhs himself was so unfortunate, he suffered loss of his father in early childhood, his 40 beloved Sikhs revolted against him, he lost his 4 sons in battlefield, faced attacked on his life numerous times and ultimately left this world at such a young age (in his early forties). Did he suffered so much because of someone's curse or because of some bad deeds of the past? Could there have been anyone more unfortunate than him? Guru Maharaj stayed in Chardikala no matter what. In spite of facing so many hardships in life he was always thankful to God. He lived for righteousness and had to pay the prize.

Our life, sufferings and good deeds stand nowhere when compared to our Master's life. Living in God's will (Razaa) is the purpose of a Sikh's life. Accepting untimely death of a closed one, loss of wealth or health, a handicap, should all be taken as a blessing from Waheguru and a spirit of Chardikala should be maintained, no matter what. I know easier said than done, but we need to try and strife for such a lifestyle.

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Asked: 2014-10-31 11:50:27 -0500

Seen: 903 times

Last updated: Nov 03 '14