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Good question. Iy depends on your hairs. I use a fine tooth kanga, because the larger ones fall out, just as you say. It should be strong enough to comb your hairs, but not so heavy that it slides around or falls out. Alternatively, you can tie it within a lar of your dastar which will hold it firmly in place.

Good question. Iy It depends on your hairs. I use a fine tooth kanga, because the larger ones fall out, just as you say. It should be strong enough to comb your hairs, but not so heavy that it slides around or falls out. Alternatively, you can tie it within a lar of your dastar which will hold it firmly in place.

Good question. It depends on your hairs. I use a fine tooth kanga, because the larger toothed ones fall out, just as you say. It should be strong enough to comb your hairs, but not so heavy that it slides around or falls out. Alternatively, you can tie it within a lar of your dastar which will hold it firmly in place.