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The issue is simple. When you read or recite path aloud, the tip of your tongue dances the pattern of the akhari across the 84 meridian points of the palate. This is what changes the secretions of your glandular system and raises your consciousness. When you recite silently you lose this effect. That's a big loss. Out loud, you produce the sound while simultaneously listening to it. That is the most powerful. I suggest you not struggle to do your path out loud, but rather begin chanting of Naam out loud instead. As your diaphragm, navel point and vocal chords relax and you learn how to chant from the navel instead of the throat, you will feel the vibration throughout your entire body. Once you love the resonance of the sound your body produces whilst chanting it will become much easier to do path out loud.

The issue is simple. When you read or recite path aloud, the tip of your tongue dances the pattern of the akhari across the 84 meridian points of the palate. This is what changes the secretions of your glandular system and raises your consciousness. When you recite silently you lose this effect. That's a big loss. Out loud, you produce the sound while simultaneously listening to it. That is the most powerful. I suggest you not struggle to do your path out loud, but rather begin chanting of Naam out loud instead. As your diaphragm, navel point and vocal chords relax and you learn how to chant from the navel instead of the throat, you will feel the vibration throughout your entire body. Once you love the resonance of the sound your body produces whilst chanting it will become much easier to do path out loud.loud. Silent Naam Simran on the breath throughout the day comes naturally when a firm foundation is laid.