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Q: What do you imagine while praying A: Nothing, Just like you are imagining nothing when you just woke up, if you are imagining then you aren't praying.

Guru -> Farsi word which means from darkness to light

God -> Is a term made up by people who fail to understand the truth they believe that there is a man in the sky running the universe, in Sikhism its called "Ik Onkar" means that everything is connected and part of only 1 system. what you give you recieve, as per your actions. Nobody can leave this system no one can enter from outside you die and live in this.

Q: What do you imagine while praying praying

A: Nothing, Just like you are imagining nothing when you just woke up, if you are imagining then you aren't praying.

Guru -> Farsi word which means from darkness to light

God -> Is a term made up by people who fail to understand the truth they believe that there is a man in the sky running the universe, in Sikhism its called "Ik Onkar" means that everything is connected and part of only 1 system. what you give you recieve, as per your actions. Nobody can leave this system no one can enter from outside you die and live in this.