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One with God means:

  1. You believe in One God - Ik Onkar.
  2. You believe in Akal Purakh, which means God is timeless and exists all around us. God is always with you if you sincerely and genuinely believe in His teachings.
  3. You LOVE Waheguru Ji. Love is God and God is love. With that basic understanding, God never leaves you during your challenges.
  4. When you learn more about Waheguru and pray on his Name then yes, you learn more about yourself. it is a process of self-realization and wanting to improve yourself. Develop into a more authentic version of yourself.
  5. When God is around you and within you, you become more handsome/beautiful.
  6. Then you are able to rise, yes elevate yourself into a more humble being.

It is a feeling of complete and utter serenity. Close your eyes to one of your favorite shabads. Take yourself to Him, to his voice. Let that voice take you with His words. That's what it feels to reach Waheguru Ji - in a state of pure bliss while meditating with Him in your heart.

One with God means:

  1. You believe in One God - Ik Onkar.
  2. You believe in Akal Purakh, which means God is timeless and exists all around us. God is always with you if you sincerely and genuinely believe in His teachings.
  3. You LOVE Waheguru Ji. Love is God and God is love. With that basic understanding, God never leaves you during your challenges.
  4. When you learn more about Waheguru and pray on his Name then yes, you learn more about yourself. it is a process of self-realization and wanting to improve yourself. Develop into a more authentic version of yourself.
  5. When God is around you and within you, you become more handsome/beautiful.
  6. Then you are able to rise, yes elevate yourself into a more humble being.

It is a feeling of complete and utter serenity. Close your eyes to one of your favorite shabads. Take yourself to Him, to his voice. Let that voice take you with His words. That's what it feels to reach Waheguru Ji - in a state of pure bliss while meditating with Him in your heart. It is a state of inner connectedness.