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Being non-amritdhari I can’t fully answer your question! But I would like to comment that sexual energy is an energy created by God like everything else- it’s normal. It’s not something that we can suppress, but we can express it in other ways because it’s a form of creative energy. I remember seeing a video from Guruka Singh where he talks about using that same energy to do different things like playing sports.

Kaam (lust) is considered one of the 5 thieves because basically when we choose a lustful thought, we are choosing it over a thought in remembrance of God/toward achieving the purpose of our life. Everything has to be in balance in life. The 5 are actually here to help us! They are meant to help us achieve our purposes in life. They aren’t “evil” in themselves. But they can control us if we don’t control them, and therefore if they control us we can waste away our lives. So for example, when lust takes over your mind, it will control you and you start to live for that pleasure and it becomes a big problem because that’s all that’s on your mind and you start to forget God and why you came on this earth.

So the idea is not about suppression, but rather about learning to stop our thoughts entirely which can be done via following what our prayers teach us. The Guru Granth Sahib Ji shows us the path on how to live in Hukam. We need to do things like sewa and simran. And basically reach that balance in our lives so it’s not so powerful that it takes over the mind. Learn to control the 5 and don’t let them control you. This is a lifelong journey ☺