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How should I proceed?

asked 2018-08-27 20:20:21 -0500

strongKaur gravatar image

I’ve been thinking about moving forward with finding a rishta. I would like to share my life with someone who is dedicated to Sikhi, with a love for God. Objectively this is a bad time for me because my work hours are crazy (schedule is out of my control until next summer), and I feel like maybe I need to wait before I ask my family to find someone. I felt like waiting up till now was actually good for me because I grew a lot mentally and spiritually. I’m solid on what I need in a partner to have a healthy relationship. I worry that if I start meeting people specifically for the purpose of a rishta, that they will just look at my job, looks, or similar superficial things and I don’t want to be used or waste my energy investing into a person who only cares that I’m pretty or have money. I kind of feel like the right thing is to wait for God to arrange things when the time is right. I keep going back and forth between wanting to proceed with actively looking for a rishta vs holding back thinking its not my time yet. Does everyone feel that way initially, or will there be a time when I’m going to be 100% sure that I should go forward with this?

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answered 2018-08-28 10:20:14 -0500

Guruka Singh gravatar image

You say, "I kind of feel like the right thing is to wait for God to arrange things when the time is right."

That is correct. Ignore pressure from others. Work on yourself. Perfect yourself. The soul with whom you belong is already on its trajectory towards you, guided (as you are) by Guru Ji's loving hand. Patience pays.

Let it unfold.

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Asked: 2018-08-27 20:20:21 -0500

Seen: 270 times

Last updated: Aug 28 '18