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is homosexuality allowed in sikhism? yes or no?

asked 2018-02-27 15:40:56 -0500

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was wandering if homoseuxality is allowed in sikhism>

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note: answers that are not relevant in answering the above question will be deleted

strongKaur gravatar imagestrongKaur ( 2018-03-03 19:29:00 -0500 )edit

but strongKaur, there is freedom of speech in Sikhism for example the points raised by Sultana are valid. Deleting someone's comment will mean suppressing the facts.

Sangat_Pangat gravatar imageSangat_Pangat ( 2018-03-04 01:50:47 -0500 )edit

On Baisakhi 1699 the Tenth Master created the Khalsa Panth with certain set of rules to be observed and Panth means an organized religion not a way of life. In India, the Supreme Jathedar has specifically cleared on the issue of homosexuality that it is unacceptable, which is binding on all Sikhs

Sangat_Pangat gravatar imageSangat_Pangat ( 2018-03-08 03:35:55 -0500 )edit

I was referring to a spam comment which completely was off topic, not one that expressed a different opinion.

strongKaur gravatar imagestrongKaur ( 2018-03-13 19:33:00 -0500 )edit

8 answers

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answered 2018-03-04 01:45:44 -0500

Sangat_Pangat gravatar image

To all those who support homosexuality especially that gentleman, probably he is the CEO of the Sikhnet, Mr.Guruka Singh.

As per him, Gurbani doesn't says anything on homosexuality or rather it is silent so there is no harm as to being a homosexual.

O.K right. But Gurbani is also silent on illicit affairs so does that mean Sexcapades are permitted in Sikhism.

Gurbani is also silent on watching pornography so does that mean viewing Pornography is permitted in Sikhism.

Gurbani is silent on so many topics so does that mean we start doing stupid things in life.

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What about asexuality? Polysexuality? Sexual bimorphism? The actual question is, is one's choice to engage or not engage in sexual activity and whom one does it relevant to one's spiritual growth? And the answer is no. Lust is lust and love is love. Who does sexual preference harm?

Guruka Singh gravatar imageGuruka Singh ( 2018-03-05 10:46:33 -0500 )edit

Guruka Ji, the wrong message that has gone down is, if someone is against homosexuality then that is being understood as being hatred towards the homo person. there is no place for hatred in sikhi, had it been then homos wud have been banned from entering the premises of gurdwara........

Not at all Punjabi gravatar imageNot at all Punjabi ( 2018-03-06 02:24:01 -0500 )edit

Please do not use the term "homos" on this forum. It is a perjoritive term and such comments will be deleted.

Guruka Singh gravatar imageGuruka Singh ( 2018-03-07 10:46:34 -0500 )edit

Sangat_Pangat, there is no more harm in being homosexual than heterosexual, just as there is no more harm in having blue eyes than brown. How a person conducts themselves, and how they treat others, is of far more consequence than their orientation or their eye colour will ever be.

sue333 gravatar imagesue333 ( 2018-03-08 00:03:22 -0500 )edit

Views on Sikhism are completely different when it comes to Indian Sikhs and the Western Sikhs. The Westerners follow their own concept of Sikhism but the Indian Sikhs will follow the Hukam of the Jathedar.

Sangat_Pangat gravatar imageSangat_Pangat ( 2018-03-08 03:47:29 -0500 )edit

answered 2018-03-02 10:24:56 -0500

Guruka Singh gravatar image

updated 2018-03-13 17:37:53 -0500

Sikhi takes a universal and inclusive position. Guru Ji's teachings are forthright: justice, equal rights, compassion and succor for the needy. The basics of Sikhism can be summarized in three fundamentals we all know: an honest living, sharing the rewards of life with others, and a life attuned to the Infinite within each of us, and common to us all.

Nowhere does it ask that the recipient of our largesse has to be a Sikh, and cannot be a Hindu, Muslim, and Christian, Jew, or even an agnostic or an atheist. Nowhere does Sikh teaching or tradition ask us to deride, belittle or refuse to help to a neighbor if he or she is of any particular sexual orientation.

In the answer given above,

B) Refers to the Rehit as given by Guru Gobind Singh Ji

C) Refers to rules created in the 19th century by people who were not the Guru.

Therefore: The phrase "Code of Conduct" means completely different things in statement B and statement C rendering this line of reasoning specious.

If your point of reference is Gurbani, there is nothing whatsoever in Gurbani regarding homosexual relationships being "allowed" or not. Gurbani speaks to, and of, the soul.

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so its neither right or wrong in sikhism as long as I follow the teachings etc, its okay to be who i am?

pav gravatar imagepav ( 2018-03-02 10:31:27 -0500 )edit

Yes, it is absolutely okay to be who you are. You are Guru Ji's Sikh.

Guruka Singh gravatar imageGuruka Singh ( 2018-03-02 13:57:38 -0500 )edit

Great answer! :)

strongKaur gravatar imagestrongKaur ( 2018-03-13 19:31:36 -0500 )edit

answered 2018-03-03 16:33:37 -0500

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I'm finding these responses rather surprising. I'm very grateful Pav, that you raised this question. Especially for the young homosexual/lgbt people who may fear they are not included in God's love. They need to know the truth: "Everyone is equal before God." My knowledge of Sikhi is very new. But am I wrong to believe that: blue eyes / Irish / meat-eaters / vegetarians / heterosexuals / homosexuals / are welcomed in Sikhism? In my very humble and 'not-so-learned' opinion, if Guru Nanak said "There is no Hindu, there is no Muslim. We are all one", I believe he also says, 'there is no male, there is no female, there is no caste, there is no heterosexual, there is no homosexual. We are all one.' And I believe the first intention of starting Sikhism was to say goodbye to divisive and exclusionary religious practices.

Are there actions that are decidedly not Sikhi? Yes! I would say anytime someone - regardless of their nationality or sexuality or caste or other label - treats others with dishonour or dis-respect - their actions are decidedly not Sikhi

I saw this on a web page about Sikhism:

"There is only one God. God is without form, or gender. Everyone has direct access to God. Everyone is equal before God. A good life is lived as part of a community, by living honestly and caring for others. Empty religious rituals and superstitions have no value."

I believe 'Everyone' means 'Everyone'

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Exactly! This is so far the best answer! i'm 17 years old and I've been so confused about who I am for years. People my age just need guidance and these situations aren't discussed enough within our society.

pav gravatar imagepav ( 2018-03-04 08:55:31 -0500 )edit

See Find a Sikh LGBT resource. Stay true to your Sikh self. God loves you Pav, and wants you to treat all, *yourself included* with respect and love! Treat anyone you are seeing, with the respect you would a betrothed, and expect no less from them! Blessings, Sue

sue333 gravatar imagesue333 ( 2018-03-05 00:02:54 -0500 )edit

answered 2018-03-02 03:54:24 -0500

Not at all Punjabi gravatar image

I know the answer only as per the SRM and the answer to your question is a Big NO. But if you are a Champion of the Gay Rights Causes then you got every right to criticize me.

The Reasons:

A) In January 2005, the then Jathedar of the Akal Takhat issued an edict against same-sex marriages in Gurdwaras indicating that it defies the Sikh Code of Conduct.

B) Guru Gobind Singh Ji said, "They alone are a Sikh who follow the distinct Sikh Code of Conduct".

C) The Sikh Code of Conduct do legitimate the heterosexual relationship between a man and a woman that too within the parameters of marriage.

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yeah, but that goes for people who are strict amrithdari sikhs. It also says you shouldnt cut your hair but half the sikh population still does it. Does that mean the people who cut their hair aren't sikhs? Furthermore, doesnt the SGGS teach us as as sikhs to accept everyone no matter who they are?

pav gravatar imagepav ( 2018-03-02 07:47:09 -0500 )edit

answered 2018-03-03 02:29:20 -0500

Patriotic Indian gravatar image

It's so pathetic that few are trying to say that homosexuality is O. K. This is total non sense.

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answered 2018-03-03 02:49:43 -0500

MARTHA gravatar image

I was under the impression that Sikhism is a very disciplined religion with very clear set of religious rules to follow but I was wrong, now I realize it. Someone mentioned above that those who are not keshadhari too are Sikhs and homosexuals are acceptable in Sikhism.

If this is what Sikhism is then I am sorry to say that other faiths are much better than Sikhism.

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Sikhi is a path of spiritual work. Our Gurus never made an organized religion. If you want to join a strict religion, that's fine. But Sikhi is a path to realization that is open to all. You can be a member of an organized religion and still practice Sikhi.

Guruka Singh gravatar imageGuruka Singh ( 2018-03-07 10:49:51 -0500 )edit

There's hell lot of difference between Punjabi Sikhs and 3HO Sikhs.

Punjaban gravatar imagePunjaban ( 2018-03-09 01:43:26 -0500 )edit

There are cultural differences. But rather than focus on differences, I find what we have in common - our love for Guru and Sadhsangat, our love of Seva, sharing the blessing of Gurbani together - rather than our cultural differences. We are all Guru Ji's Sikhs.

Guruka Singh gravatar imageGuruka Singh ( 2018-03-13 10:35:40 -0500 )edit

There are cultural differences. But rather than focus on differences, I find what we have in common - our love for Guru and Sadhsangat, our love of Seva, sharing the blessing of Gurbani together - is far more powerful than our cultural differences. We are all Guru Ji's Sikhs.

Guruka Singh gravatar imageGuruka Singh ( 2018-03-13 10:36:17 -0500 )edit

answered 2018-03-03 04:56:10 -0500

Punjaban gravatar image

Waheguru Waheguru. Today some Sikhs are trying to justify homosexuality, tomorrow they will justify sex before marriage, the day after they will justify one night stand.

Is this what Guru Gobind Singh Ji's Sikhi is. Today's modern Sikhs have stooped so low.

Waheguruji please give us Sad-Budhi.

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homosexuality is not a choice, whereas having a one night stand or sex before marriage is

pav gravatar imagepav ( 2018-03-03 07:28:20 -0500 )edit

Exactly, Pav.

Guruka Singh gravatar imageGuruka Singh ( 2018-03-07 13:18:23 -0500 )edit

answered 2018-03-03 06:58:45 -0500

Today the true face of Sikhs is out. I wasted all these years inquiring and reading about Sikhi. I didn't knew that Sikhism supports Homosexuality. It's time to say Goodbye to Sikhi.

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LOOOL why so homophobic for.

pav gravatar imagepav ( 2018-03-03 07:26:44 -0500 )edit

Sikh- "ism" appears not to support homosexuality, but don't confuse that with Sikhi which is a set of tools and methods to connect one with the Guru.

Guruka Singh gravatar imageGuruka Singh ( 2018-03-07 10:51:44 -0500 )edit

You Guruka, Pav, Sue333, StrongKaur & Sanjlon are the Panj of this forum promoting the different format of Sikhi. But how many people out in this world are willing to buy your version, that's the big question?

From Bali gravatar imageFrom Bali ( 2018-03-08 04:10:12 -0500 )edit

You guys don't practice the Sikh Code of Conduct and neither do you guys respect the decision of the Singh Sahiban.

From Bali gravatar imageFrom Bali ( 2018-03-08 06:18:45 -0500 )edit

"You guys," "you guys," "you guys..." <sigh> What's with all the blaming and pointing fingers? Let's work together to share Guru Ji's blessings with everyone instead of wasting our energies in arguments and disagreements.

Guruka Singh gravatar imageGuruka Singh ( 2018-03-13 10:38:56 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2018-02-27 15:40:56 -0500

Seen: 3,303 times

Last updated: Mar 13 '18