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Guruka Singh personal contact [closed]

asked 2017-11-26 17:13:23 -0500

JustMe gravatar image

I really need to ask something to Guruka Singh - is there anyway I could get an email or any means to personally speak with him? I would greatly appreciate it.

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Closed for the following reason the question is answered, right answer was accepted by Guruka Singh
close date 2017-11-28 15:29:30

2 answers

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answered 2017-11-26 17:56:44 -0500

strongKaur gravatar image

he monitors this site and frequently answers personally. if you wanted to ask a question (you could do it anonymously if you feel more comfortable), and address him in your question i'm sure he will reply.

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you can probably email sikhnet directly going to contact us as well.

strongKaur gravatar imagestrongKaur ( 2017-11-26 17:58:06 -0500 )edit

you can probably email sikhnet directly going to "contact us" as well.

strongKaur gravatar imagestrongKaur ( 2017-11-26 17:58:15 -0500 )edit

@strongKaur Is there a way that I could email you. I really want help and I don't feel comfortable with speaking to anyone.

Anonymous Kaur 2392 gravatar imageAnonymous Kaur 2392 ( 2018-07-05 17:11:36 -0500 )edit

@strongKaur Is there a way that I could email you? I really want help and I don't feel comfortable with speaking to anyone.

Anonymous Kaur 2392 gravatar imageAnonymous Kaur 2392 ( 2018-07-05 17:11:56 -0500 )edit

Hi anonymous Kaur, I don't like giving out my email because anyone could read it off here so it wouldn't be safe, but you can private message me on the sikhnet discussion forum. No one else can read those so you could ask whatever you want. My ID is "loveforsikhi"

strongKaur gravatar imagestrongKaur ( 2018-07-06 01:39:25 -0500 )edit

answered 2017-11-28 13:35:09 -0500

Guruka Singh gravatar image

You may email me personally if you wish or post anonymously as StrongKaur suggested. I am "guruka at"

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Asked: 2017-11-26 17:13:23 -0500

Seen: 435 times

Last updated: Nov 28 '17