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This is my belief (so don't take it literally)

There is good and bad media, with the right intention I think dancing is not bad. Be an advocate for good, our Gurbani is written in musical chapters so we should no what what good should look like. I would say don't dance to belittle your self, send a good message and make sure if lyrics are in the music you are dancing to have no sinful meanings, so you are not associated with it directly. If someone complains listen to them and try and understand why they are saying it. I had read recently from a Christian guy that there are acts of good good and good bad. I.e Naam Seva etc and good bad i.e drugs alchohol etc. because we think the later is good as it makes us feel good but have a bad consequence to us. If people object and make life difficult then do it in your own space and not publicise it. You will be strong and healthy and may be amazing with a kirpan if one day it is needed, like Ghatka as that is an art in itself and looks amazing. (Once again I am not a perfect Sikh, So apologies for any mistakes, hopefully Sangat can make me a better Sikh)Waheguru Je ka Khalsa Waheguru je ke Fateh!