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Nihang Sikhs follow the original rehat maryada by Guru Gobind Singh, published in Dasam Granth called "52 Hukams of Guru Gobind Singh". Why Orthodox Sikhs don't use the original - I don't know. Maybe it's because a lot of people ruin things, including this! FOLLOW GURU'S WORD!!!

1.Earn by honest means. 2.Donate a tenth share of your salary. 3.Memorize Gurbani. 4.Wake up Amrit Vela (before dawn). 5.Devotedly serve the Sikh who serves others. 6.Learn the meanings of Gurbani from Sikh Scholars. 7.Follow the discipline of the 5 K's strictly. 8.Practice Shabad Gurbani in life. 9.Concentrate on the True Guru (God). 10.Accept Guru Granth Sahib Ji as Guru. 11.At the beginning of a task, perform ardaas 12.At birth, death, or marriage ceremonies, do Japji Sahib, make Karaah Parshaad, do five stanzas of Anand Sahib, do ardaas, and then distribute Karaah Parshaad to the Panj Pyare, the Granthi, and then to the sangat. 13.Until Karaah Parshaad is completely distributed, the Sangat should remain sitting and unmoving. 14.Do not start married life without Anand Karaj (Sikh ceremony of marriage). 15.Recognize all other women other than your wife as mothers and sisters. Do not engage in marital behaviour with them. 16.Do not subject your wife to cursing or verbal abuse. 17.Abandon worldly falsehoods and tobacco-poison. 18.Keep the company of Sikhs who follow the Rehat and meditate on the Name (of God). 19.Don't be lazy while doing work. 20.Listen and do kirtan and Gurbani discourses daily. 21.Do not engage in slander, gossip or spite anyone 22.Do not take pride in wealth, youth and caste. (Mother and Father's caste both castes. All Sikhs of the Guru are siblings) 23.Keep the religious discipline high and pure. 24.Do not refrain from doing Righteous deeds. 25.Recognize God as the giver of intellect and strength. 26.Do not believe a person who swears (one who tries/attempts to convince someone with a 'saun or saugandh'). 27.Think independently. In the affairs of governing, do not give the power of religious authority to those of other faiths. 28.Study politics. 29.With the enemy, practice/deploy the various techniques/tactics of diplomacy (saam, daam, dand, bhed) and exhaust all techniques before engaging in warfare. 30.Practice the knowledge of weaponry and horse riding. 31.Study the books and knowledge of other faiths. But keep trust in Gurbani and Akal Purukh. 32.Follow the teachings of the Guru. 33.After Rehras Paatth [Prayers], do Ardaas standing up. 34.Recite Sohila and 'paun guru pani pita...' stanza before going to sleep. 35.Wear a turban at all times. 36.Do not call a Singh by half of their name (nickname). 37.Do not partake of alcoholic drinks. 38.Do not given a daughter's hand to a clean shaven. Give her hand in a house where God's Sikhi exists, where the household is not in debt, is of a good nature, is disciplined and knowledgeable. 39.Do all work in accordance with Gurbani. 40.Do not ruin someone's work by gossip. 41.Do not utter bitter statements. 42.Make pilgrimages to Gurudwaras only. 43.Fulfill all promises that are made 44.Do as much sewa as you can for foreigners, the needy and the troubled. 45.Recognize the property of a daughter as poison. (Do not live off your daughter's wealth) 46.Do not become an outward show-off Sikh. 47.Live and die a Keshadhaari Sikh (A Sikh who has uncut hair) 48.Refrain from engaging in theft, adultery / promiscuity / permissiveness, fraud, deceit, embezzlement. 49.Believe a true Sikh. 50.Do not give false testimony. 51.Do not cheat. 52.Distribute Langar and Karaah Parshaad with equality.