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You say "we want." Why do you want this, Beta? This is a very important question. Contemplate it carefully. You are at a crossroads. Clearly you have some doubts. If your intuition has perked up and given you doubts, you may be feeling that there might be a problem. Otherwise you would not have posted this question.

Marriage is much more than "true love." Marriage is between two souls. Those souls are bound together by the Guru, not by having sexual intercourse. Have intercourse one time and then go to a foreign country? Why? Despite one's best intentions, things can go pear shaped when one least expects it. What is wrong with waiting?

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not dishonor others. It is not self-seeking.

Breathe deep. Become still. Bring your doubts to the Guru's feet. You will know the right course of action.