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This all ritual cr*p it is not for real. Dasam granth is not even written by Guru Gobind Singh.Guru Gobind Singh sab sikhon ko hokum hai guru maniyeo granth.Check out a site called will know who were the three writersof the dasam granth.

This all ritual cr*p it is not for real. Dasam granth is not even written by Guru Gobind Singh.Guru Gobind Singh said sab sikhon ko hokum hai guru maniyeo granth.Check out a site called will know who were the three writersof the dasam granth.

This all ritual cr*p it is not for real. Dasam granth is not even written by Guru Gobind Singh.Guru Gobind Singh said sab sikhon ko hokum hai guru maniyeo granth.Check out a site called will know who were the three writersof the dasam granth.

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for your information akali nihang guru gobind singh ji wrote three granths. the first, Adhi sri satgueu granth sahib ji the granth that we comanlly call today guru granth sahib ji, this is because guruji compiled and finished of the granth with his eal. Dasam guru granth sahib ji is the secound granth of the sikhs its is our guru and all of its writings were writen by the tenth guru. dasam granth was not compiled by bahi mani singh as thought by many missionary scholars nore was the dasam granth written by hindus as the ideology within the granth is that wich as far from hindu thought and questions as guru granth sahib ji does the lagitumesy of the old school s of thought like cast devus and devas. the repeated use and theme of feminism relates to the mother side of god. but not the devi durga as many inexperienced scholars like to think.
the third and last granth is sri sarbloh guru granth sahib ji a granth full of complete knowledge beyound the thinking and thought again of any hindus of any time period in induia infact, the philossaphy woithin all three granths is unique to searching the experiance of god rather then the old ritualistic shamanism of the past.

a quote to support my evidence, this line is from the dohra you have referred to. Agaya Pai Akaal Ki Tabhi Chalayo Panth Sabb Sikhon Ko hukam hai Guru Maneyo Granth. the way this dohra has been constructed means that the ussage of the word granth at the end is not reffering to one granth but in acyual fact more then one. as in english there isnt a dual word for more then one sheep the same in punjabi Granth reffers to more then one.

Dohra: Aad Guru te Dasam Loh Granth Panth Ki Tek. Gehe Puran Thiya Granth Yeh Daya Sarb Har Ek” this line has been cut from thedohra above, it refers to all three granths it doesnt take a punjabi scholar to figure out the translation for that.

your words were not thought out and were melisious in nature think about what your type in the past and if it is truley worth the hassel. WAHEGURUJI KA KHALSA WAHEGURUJI KI FATEH