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Gossiping Doesn't Feel Right

Hello ,

So we all do it yes talk about one another ! But whenever I am with my mom and a group of friends they start gossiping about others,but they don't make up lies. They just talk about "oh that person should of done this" or "If I was him/her I would of taken that step "or" she is wrong it's her own fault ". I sit there and I don't know why but it makes me mad/angry. I feel like we have no right to judge if someone did something let them deal with it . I try to ignore the conversation but it just makes me angry I feel like we don't know what's going to happen with us and we should worry about our problems instead of talking about others. Then when I interrupt to stop them get scolded. i know gossiping wont ever end but if ppl do gossip what can one do to try to avoid the situation ? I don't know what is wrong or right is it me with my anger ? Is gossiping ever okay ? I am confused please help :) !
