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If you go to Hindu temple and not necessarily bow down to "devi, devte" but sit down in pooja and pray to One Supreme Formless God, is that acceptable or sin?

asked 2018-11-30 13:08:53 -0500

kaurlife gravatar image

updated 2018-12-04 11:06:14 -0500

Guruka Singh gravatar image

Basically, if you go visit Hindu temple, but you think of "one" God. If you have to go there with a friend, and respect "God/Goddesses" as well, because they all are created from Akal Purkh as well and mentioned in Gurbani as well. So if you sit in pooja, but remember "one" God during the prayer and pray to that one God in you heart throughout the pooja, is that okay or is that a sin or against Gurmat?

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answered 2018-12-03 21:43:50 -0500

Ishpreet gravatar image

That is perfectly fine.... You are not committing any sin. It's good to respect other religions too. Just worship that one god and do good deeds. That's what it matters.

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answered 2020-02-21 10:59:59 -0500

teraBanda gravatar image

When you bow down, you are just bowing down to a stone, which is not a sin, its just an activity that yields no result. you can find any stone outside.

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Asked: 2018-11-30 13:08:53 -0500

Seen: 1,206 times

Last updated: Feb 21 '20