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missed oportunities

asked 2016-12-15 02:12:01 -0500

harpreet gravatar image

what to do when you look back at life and realized you have missed some very good opportunities that were offered..?

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answered 2016-12-15 02:39:20 -0500

strongKaur gravatar image

updated 2016-12-15 02:42:23 -0500

I think all we can do is really just learn from it because we can't change the past so there's no use in dwelling on it too much. Sometimes it's possible to re-make that decision and be like well I didn't do it then but I can and I will now (I've gone back and re-made decisions sometimes for opporuntites that were not as time-sensitive). Sometimes you can't do that- it was a limited time thing, etc. Just try to be kind towards yourself and remember that you were who you were then. I've made lots of decisions in the past that I wouldn't make again. But that knowledge and skills that I have now are not things that I had then, and I only really got them by making some mistakes. I can't judge myself for the decisions I made before or the opportunities I missed because the circumstances and even my logical reasoning was different then! That's okay. I just assume that it was what was meant to be to get to where I am today, and now all I do is focus on what I can choose for myself today.

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Asked: 2016-12-15 02:12:01 -0500

Seen: 201 times

Last updated: Dec 15 '16