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Another way to look at this is that our demons are attachments that lie within us. Whether it's alcohol, sex, drugs, controlling others, getting what we want, etc., whatever attachments keep us from letting go and surrendering into Naam. In the context of this tuk, Guru Ji is saying that son, daughter, wife are all attachments and that our life can be spent caught in those attachments which then keep us from that state of Naam Simran, remembering our TRUE identity and seeing God in everyone.

Another way to look at this is that our demons are attachments that lie within us. Whether it's alcohol, sex, drugs, controlling others, getting what we want, etc., whatever attachments keep us from letting go and surrendering into Naam. In the context of this tuk, Guru Ji is saying that son, daughter, wife are all attachments and that our life can be spent caught in those attachments which then keep us from that state of Naam Simran, remembering our TRUE identity and seeing God in ourselves and in everyone.